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Martins Seed Raising & Cutting Mix is formulated from organic composed materials to provide an ideal seed bed for germination for all seed types. This mix contains a mini controlled release fertiliser formulated for small containers and to provide balanced nutrients to young plants. This mix has a very high percentage of coir, combined with wetting agent to create a mix that is specially tailored to the germination of seeds by increasing the water holding capacity. This increases time between watering, allows the mix to hold more moisture and prevents the mix drying out. It also provides your plants with an ideal growing medium to develop strong healthy root growth. It contains sufficient nutrients for up to five months of plant growth. Please add a controlled release fertiliser as this time nears completion, if not being re-potted. The including of a soil wetter in this mixture will assist in water penetration, eliminating water run-off and improving the re-wettability of the potting mixture for up to six months after potting up.